At the store, a dad with his cute daughter in a shopping basket decides to teach her the meaning of “no.” But”Baby, you know, she’s already a professional in dramatic productions.

At the grocery store, a dad with his toddler daughter in the shopping cart decides to teach her the meaning of “no.” Little does he know, she’s already a pro at dramatic performances.


With each “no” from her dad, the 11-month-old girl puts on a convincing show of fake tears. Her tightly closed eyes and scrunched-up face could easily earn her a spot in theater class. Yet, her dad sees through her act, recognizing the teachable moment parenting offers.

Just as this clever toddler tries to deceive her dad, we often attempt to deceive God. However, unlike her dad, God sees through our facades. He knows our true hearts and loves us unconditionally, offering forgiveness and grace. We can’t hide from Him, but we can find comfort in His everlasting love and guidance.


In the words of Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

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