The 3-year-old cute girl takes the ice and when music plays, she becomes a sassy diva and this is how she performs!

What can be cuter than a 3-year-old dancing on ice to the rhythm of Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies,”? The heroine of this article, Natasha Frank, has done it and has captured the hearts of millions!

She has proven that babies show their talent the best way just as adults do at her first-ever figure skating competition! She is just amazing and everything about her is cute!
She is dressed in a light pink outfit, and it makes her more adorable, turning her into an overnight sensation. Her performance has been captured on camera and since then has been watched millions of times!


The choice of the song “Single Ladies” is just perfect for her, as she feels the rhythm of the song, and makes everyone watching her vibe with her. The catchy beats are just the perfect choice!


For this little girl, skating to this song meant engaging with a piece of music that is both upbeat and universally recognized. On the day of the competition, the atmosphere was electric, and Natasha’s mother told that she was fully ready for her performance, knowing so well what was waiting for her.


She led her to the ice, and that heartwarming moment has been captured too. Their bond is very beautiful! And the incredible performance began.

Check out the video bellow to see it yourself, we are sure she will make you smile. Thank you for reading and reaching here, we appreciate your support and attention so much. Enjoy watching!

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